Now the owlets are 6 weeks old. Ronnie moved them into a
20-foot square flight cage decorated with branches and a nest box for shelter.
She installed a plastic wading pool and stocked it with leaves, twigs and live
brown mice. Sure enough, the rustling and motion in the pool attracted the
owlets and soon they were catching their own meals. Owls are insatiably
curious: in the wild they explore every nook and cranny, and investigate every
sound or movement in their neighborhood. If you’d like to support the work
Ronnie does, she’s a licensed, independent wildlife rescuer, and help her with
her volunteer efforts to save these wonderful lives, you can buy her book, go
www.TouchingWings.org, or send
donations to P. O. Box 1336, Mendocino, CA, 95460. She and the critters thank
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